Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid: Allies Pack #4

Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid: Allies Pack #4

RRP: 44.99
Now €44.54(SAVE 17%)
RRP €53.99
Expected Release Date 31/10/2024
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Step into the boots of five new heroes: Blue Senturion, the intergalactic law enforcer; Hunter Bradley and Blake Bradley, a.k.a. the Thunder Brothers, who showcase their elite teamwork skills; Levi Weston, the guitar-slinging cowboy; and Orion, who uses the all-new key deck mechanism to represent the power of the Ranger Keys! Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid Core Game is needed to…
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Category Tags , , SKU ZBG-RGS02686 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Step into the boots of five new heroes: Blue Senturion, the intergalactic law enforcer; Hunter Bradley and Blake Bradley, a.k.a. the Thunder Brothers, who showcase their elite teamwork skills; Levi Weston, the guitar-slinging cowboy; and Orion, who uses the all-new key deck mechanism to represent the power of the Ranger Keys!

Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid Core Game is needed to play.


Add 5 new heroes to your team!
Blue Senturion
Hunter Bradley (The Thunder Brothers)
Blake Bradley (The Thunder Brothers)
Levi Weston

5 Ranger Figures
8 Character Cards
60 Combat Cards
5 Zord Cards
2 Megazord Cards
1 Rule Card
1 Rule Sheet