Poker Assault
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Have you ever smashed your best friend with a Full House? Crushed a foe with a Flush? Made your mate irate with a pair of 8s? The game you thought you knew has been reimagined as a game of combat, crafting killer hands, decisive moments, and non-stop fun with every turn of the cards!.
A classic card game, people have played the common betting game Poker for years. But, usually, it’s more of a pastime for a specific group of people – since it tends to involve the use of money. So what happens if you don’t know how to play Poker? Fear not, there’s a way to get involved! Gone are the days of emptying your wallet and crying over your losses. Gone are the days where you play seriously because your own money is on the line. From Cryptozoic Entertainment comes a new game that you never knew you were missing. Enter Poker Assault, a faithful adaptation of the card classic with a brand new spin. It’s sure to get new players and veterans alike involved!
Fight For Your Life!
If you thought battling it out for loose change was fierce enough, now you’re fighting just to stay alive! Okay, maybe that sounds a little scary – but don’t worry, you have a little army of your own here too. In Poker Assault, the objective is to defeat all the other players. You do this by making Poker hands and using them to attack. Players will then have to defend themselves before they get a turn. Each player gets 10 chips, and these represent their health. Everyone also gets one of the four totally unique decks of cards to play with. These feature a full 52 cards plus 8 Power Cards (which we’ll get to later). Everyone has five cards in their hand at all times, and players will either be attacking or defending. One player will start as the attacker. They’ll have to try and build a Poker hand, ranging from a measly One Pair all the way up to a Straight Flush. If the attacker gets one of these hands they launch an Assault. Everyone else then has to defend themselves. Take turns to match one card in the Assault with one of their own of equal value or the same rank and higher value. Anyone who can’t defend and drops out loses health equal to the number of undefended cards. Then the process starts again.
Four Unique Factions!
Now, the real twist of Poker Assault compared to your regular Poker game is the factions. Each has a totally different theme and can change the playstyle completely! Vampires are focused on defending and increasing their health to outlast others. Werewolves are aggressors with powerful attacking cards and shapeshifting abilities. Rocket Patrol is another defensive race, rewarding successful defence with unblockable damage. The Aliens are a strange race, with a lot of unusual cards and ways to assault or steal other players’ powers. Each one has drastically different abilities and special cards that set them apart. They are all fun to play with and fairly balanced against the other decks.
Poker Assault Is Good, Power Assault Is Even Better
Let’s talk about another really interesting feature in Poker Assault: Power Cards. You can launch any assault as long as it is a valid Poker hand, but some give you a little bonus. If you launch a Straight or higher then it becomes a Power Assault and you draw a Power Card (two if it’s a Straight Flush). These cards are really good and can turn the tide of an entire game. Each race gets 8 Power Cards and there are some diverse effects. Some of my favourites include: Adding Unlimited Pairs as an Assault type, which lets you launch an assault with as many pairs as you can manage. Premature Burial, letting you discard all cards of a certain suit in an enemy assault. Hungry Like The… which lets you attack again even if your assault is fully defended. And Return Fire, dealing damage to enemies whenever you fully defend against an assault.
Not Just Power Cards!
As well as the 8-card deck of powerful game changers you get, every deck also gives 16 cards a special ability. These abilities are either used in attacking or defending. They may not be as pivotal as Power Cards, but they can make a lot of difference! Who doesn’t love dealing extra damage or removing cards from enemy assaults? These little extras are unique to each deck so all of them feel completely different. It’s such a nice little detail and no deck is boring to play with.
Poker Assault Is Not Fair Poker!
As much as the game is fun, there’s a hierarchy that becomes pretty clear as you play more and more games of Poker Assault. As interesting as The Invaders are, a lot of their Power Cards are pretty lacking. And though every deck can and has won in our group, it’s rare for The Invaders to take the crown.
On the other hand, Wolf Pack almost always wins. This deck is pure aggression and has literally no defensive cards. With Power Cards allowing you to remove the weakest cards in your deck from the game, and letting you keep attacking over and over again, these are the ones that you have to be lucky and careful against.
Unfortunately, this can make it a little frustrating to play sometimes. But the game is so good that it’s not enough to stop us from having fun for the most part. And for those who like a challenge, it does add something to go for!
Everyone Has A Favourite
Most of our Poker Assault group loves to play the Wolf Pack, with its unrivalled aggression and furious assaults. My personal favourite is the Rocket Patrol. They fight defensively and have a lot of cards that help with effects like removing enemy cards. The best feature of this faction though is the ability to deal direct damage when fully defending or launching assaults. A lot of the time this is unstoppable damage and I find gradually whittling enemy health down is very satisfying.
Vampire Court is very fun too, another defensive faction. They offer a lot of extra health for successful defence and are suited best for outlasting their enemies. This makes them a good alternative to the Rocket Patrol and an enjoyable faction in our group. And then Invaders have strange tactics that often involve stealing the powers of other factions.
Final Thoughts On Poker Assault
Poker Assault is a really interesting spin on Poker, and it makes it appeal even to players who have never played the classic game. It takes away from the traditional gambling aspect and turns it into a friendlier game. The factions are really diverse and all play completely differently. Despite some balancing issues it’s still fully possible to win with any faction and I really enjoy playing as all four. This is a game I’d recommend to anyone looking for some fun with family or friends, or just something new. So pick up a deck, whether you prefer the savage wolves, bloodsucking vampires, powerful aeronauts or sneaky invaders, and enjoy!
Zatu Score
You might like
- A fun take on a classic card game.
- Each faction feels distinctly different.
- Quick setup and easy to get started.
- Great fun for Poker veterans and new players.
Might not like
- Can get complicated with abilities and special cards.
- It can be quite one-sided if someone gets a good set of cards.