Pokemon TCG: Charizard ex Super-Premium Collection

Pokemon TCG: Charizard ex Super-Premium Collection

RRP: $74.99
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Charizard Guards Your Favorite Card!
With explosive attacks and huge HP, Charizard ex has a commanding presence on the battlefield! Bring that burning tenacity to life on your desk, bookcase, or nightstand with an awesome Charizard figure featuring translucent fire effects to show off a favorite card—like the foil Charmander, Charmeleon, or Charizard ex you also get in this collection! Even more fun awaits in a stack of 10 booster packs from different Pokémon TCG expansions.

The Pokémon TCG: Charizard ex Super-Premium Collection includes:

1 foil promo card featuring Charizard ex
2 foil cards featuring Charmander and Charmeleon
1 card-display figure featuring Charizard
10 Pokémon TCG booster packs
Booster pack contains 10 cards and 1 Basic Energy. Cards vary by pack. Packs vary by product.
A code card for Pokémon TCG Live