Pathfinder RPG Second Edition (P2): Critical Fumble Card Deck

Pathfinder RPG Second Edition (P2): Critical Fumble Card Deck

RRP: £13.99
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RRP £13.99
Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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Scoring a critical hit can turn the tide of any battle, and with this deck of 52 Critical Hit cards you can turn those hits into devastating wounds, lasting afflictions, or even instant death! Never again simply increase the damage dealt on a critical hit and move on; instead, describe in detail how you crippled your enemy with an arrow to the knee, or how you scarred your foe with …
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Category Tags , , SKU ZBG-PZO2206 Availability Backorder
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  • Artwork
  • Complexity
  • Replayability
  • Player Interaction
  • Component Quality

You Might Like

  • Very easy and simple to use
  • Added flavour without complex rules
  • Easy to add or remove from game as you choose

Might Not Like

  • Still fairly simple
  • Designed for Pathfinder, so limited applicability with other systems
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Scoring a critical hit can turn the tide of any battle, and with this deck of 52 Critical Hit cards you can turn those hits into devastating wounds, lasting afflictions, or even instant death! Never again simply increase the damage dealt on a critical hit and move on; instead, describe in detail how you crippled your enemy with an arrow to the knee, or how you scarred your foe with a carefully aimed bolt of magical fire. More than 200 in-game effects to add flavor and unpredictability to combat in the Second Edition of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game!


Paizo have introduced a fair amount of content for Pathfinder 2e in support of the core rules and adventure paths over recent years. This Critical Fumble deck of cards is then another example of a low-cost playing aid that is very practical and fun to use. The deck is optional to used and offers role-players’ the option to draw a random card each time they suffer a critical fumble.

What You Get

In the deck you get 52 cards. Each card features four attack categories, namely, melee, ranged, unarmed and spell. When you draw a card, you simply apply the new effect based and your attack category. Be warned, the cards offer effects that you might find too much.

The cards are designed to be used with the Pathfinder 2e RPG system, although I have used them for another game. They were still fun to use, but not all the rules and effects are transferrable.

The Components

The cards are playing card size and fair quality. They look nice and are easy to read and although the print isn’t large, I find it is comfortable to read – I wear glasses but removing them makes reading the cards easy.

Added Fun And Variety

I would recommend these Critical Fumble Deck of cards not just for fun but for the variety of effects. In an abstract game it’s easy to lose the impact of fumbles and rather than narrate that a fumble occurred these cards offer a way to elaborate. So, for those players that like to immerse themselves in added theme and detail without complex rules, these cards do a fair job.

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Zatu Score


  • Artwork
  • Complexity
  • Replayability
  • Player Interaction
  • Component Quality

You might like

  • Very easy and simple to use
  • Added flavour without complex rules
  • Easy to add or remove from game as you choose

Might not like

  • Still fairly simple
  • Designed for Pathfinder, so limited applicability with other systems