Numenera Into The Deep

Numenera Into The Deep

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RRP £33.99
Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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The lands of the Ninth World are vast and filled with the leftover marvels of prior worlds. Ancient ruins? Any of these, and rewards yet unimagined, may await discovery for those willing to leave the comforting familiarity of dry land and accept the ocean’s cold, dangerous embrace. Into the Deep introduces new creatures, cyphers, and artifacts usable in any Numenera campaign.
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The lands of the Ninth World are vast and filled with the leftover marvels of prior worlds. Ancient ruins? Any of these, and rewards yet unimagined, may await discovery for those willing to leave the comforting familiarity of dry land and accept the ocean's cold, dangerous embrace. Into the Deep introduces new creatures, cyphers, and artifacts usable in any Numenera campaign.