Monkey Palace

Monkey Palace

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Build your way to victory brick by brick. A long time ago, an impressive palace was erected in the Jungle. It lay abandoned for many years, until a monkey moved in. One day the Monkey accidently removed a brick from the palace and the whole palace collapsed! Now it’s up to all of you to rebuild the Monkey Palace. Compete against each other while you help the Monkey rebuild the L…
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Build your way to victory brick by brick.

A long time ago, an impressive palace was erected in the Jungle. It lay abandoned for many years, until a monkey moved in. One day the Monkey accidently removed a brick from the palace and the whole palace collapsed! Now it’s up to all of you to rebuild the Monkey Palace.

Compete against each other while you help the Monkey rebuild the LEGO® Monkey Palace in this innovative and strategic building board game. Build a staircase for the Palace, count your Monkey Credits, take Monkey Cards and score Banana Points. The winner is the player with the most Banana Points!

With no single route to victory, you’ll always want to play again!