Mind MGMT Volume 5 (Hardback)

Mind MGMT Volume 5 (Hardback)

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The mission to stop Mind Management's reformation has fallen apart, with Lyme, Dusty, Bill, and Perrier all dead or missing. After nearly losing her mind at the hands of the Eraser, Meru finds herself alone in a world of rogue mind managers. To press on, she'll need to seek out the Management's oldest living agent. the First Immortal, rumoured to still be alive in the South American…
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The mission to stop Mind Management's reformation has fallen apart, with Lyme, Dusty, Bill, and Perrier all dead or missing. After nearly losing her mind at the hands of the Eraser, Meru finds herself alone in a world of rogue mind managers. To press on, she'll need to seek out the Management's oldest living agent. the First Immortal, rumoured to still be alive in the South American jungle. And, as the true history of the Eraser is revealed at last, sides are chosen and the final line is drawn! Collects Mind Mgmt #25-#30!