Metal Earth: Star Wars: Snowspeeder 3D Metal Model Kit

Metal Earth: Star Wars: Snowspeeder 3D Metal Model Kit

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When stationed on Hoth, the Rebel Alliance modified T-47 air speeders to become snowspeeders, fast flying conveyances for patrol and defense of their hidden base. It took some doing to keep the crippling cold from permanently grounding their air force, but Rebel ingenuity overcame the relentless Hoth elements. The T-47 air speeder is a small, wedge-shaped craft with two forward-faci…
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When stationed on Hoth, the Rebel Alliance modified T-47 air speeders to become snowspeeders, fast flying conveyances for patrol and defense of their hidden base. It took some doing to keep the crippling cold from permanently grounding their air force, but Rebel ingenuity overcame the relentless Hoth elements. The T-47 air speeder is a small, wedge-shaped craft with two forward-facing laser cannons. In its rear arc is a harpoon gun fitted with a heavy-duty tow cable. The snowspeeder is a two-man vessel, with a pilot and rear-facing tail gunner.