Matsudan Squad

Matsudan Squad

RRP: $20.00
Now $22.07(SAVE 11%)
RRP $24.99
Expected Restock Date 01/03/2025
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Set in and around the Galactic Co-Prosperity Sphere, Firefight is an exciting and award- winning tabletop game of futuristic battles fought on alien worlds and in the warzones of the future. .FAST-PACED GAMEPLAY – with alternating activations and intuitive rules, Firefight is exciting and highly tactical. .DYNAMIC DECISIONS – the innovative Orders mechanic allows you t…
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Category Tag SKU ZMG-MGFFA306 Availability Backorder
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Set in and around the Galactic Co-Prosperity Sphere, Firefight is an exciting and award- winning tabletop game of futuristic battles fought on alien worlds and in the warzones of the future.

.FAST-PACED GAMEPLAY - with alternating activations and intuitive rules, Firefight is exciting and highly tactical.

.DYNAMIC DECISIONS - the innovative Orders mechanic allows you to issue special commands on the fly in order to react to the changing battlefield.