Lairs & Lost Chambers: Clank!: Catacombs Exp

Lairs & Lost Chambers: Clank!: Catacombs Exp

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Leave the board behind with CLANK! Catacombs, a stand-alone deck-building adventure! The catacombs of the skeletal dragon Umbrok Vessna are mysterious and dangerous. Portals transport you all around the dungeon depths. Wayshrines offer vast riches to intrepid explorers. Prisoners are counting on you to free them. Ghosts, once disturbed, may haunt you to death. Each trip into the c…
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Category Tags , SKU ZBG-DWD02013 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Leave the board behind with CLANK! Catacombs, a stand-alone deck-building adventure!

The catacombs of the skeletal dragon Umbrok Vessna are mysterious and dangerous. Portals transport you all around the dungeon depths. Wayshrines offer vast riches to intrepid explorers. Prisoners are counting on you to free them. Ghosts, once disturbed, may haunt you to death.

Each trip into the catacombs is unique, as you lay tiles to create the dungeon. You can play using only the all-new Dungeon Deck, or include cards from previous CLANK! expansions.

Find your fortune (and escape the dragon!) in CLANK! Catacombs.