Hawkeye by Fraction & Aja Omnibus (New Printing)

Hawkeye by Fraction & Aja Omnibus (New Printing)

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Matt Fraction's all-time great run on Hawkeye, collected entirely in one omnibus! Matt Fraction and David Aja's critically acclaimed run in a single sharpshooting volume! With Young Avenger Kate Bishop by his side, Clint Barton continues his fight for justice - and good rooftop BBQs! He's hoping for some downtime from being one of Earth's Mightiest Heroes - but when the apartment building he's moved into, and the neighbors he's befriended, are threatened by a tracksuit-wearing, dog-abusing gang of Eastern European mobsters who say 'bro' an awful lot, Clint must stand up and defend his new adopted family - any way he can. It's Hawkguy, Katie-Kate, Pizza Dog and friends against the Clown, Madame Masque, the Tracksuit Draculas and more in a fantastic, Eisner Award-winning reinvention of the arrowed Avenger! Bro, you read this book. Okay, bro? Collecting: Hawkeye (2012) 1-22, Hawkeye Annual (2013) 1, Young Avengers Presents (2008) 6