Gloomspite Gitz: Trugg The Troggoth King

Gloomspite Gitz: Trugg The Troggoth King

RRP: 63.25
Now €74.75
RRP €75.99
Expected Restock Date 01/02/2025
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Trugg is an ancient and ornery Troggoth with a magical migraine brought on by a strange altar that lodged in his back after a whole city collapsed around his sleeping form. Pronounced King of the Troggoths by Braggit da Rabble-Rowza, Trugg now smashes his way around the Mortal Realms, trying to put a stop to the headache that hammers at his little Troggoth brain. As he swats and cla…
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Trugg is an ancient and ornery Troggoth with a magical migraine brought on by a strange altar that lodged in his back after a whole city collapsed around his sleeping form. Pronounced King of the Troggoths by Braggit da Rabble-Rowza, Trugg now smashes his way around the Mortal Realms, trying to put a stop to the headache that hammers at his little Troggoth brain. As he swats and claws at the altar on his back, it unleashes torrents of arcane power that empower him with the magics of the Realms.