Frank Miller's Sin City Volume 2: A Dame to Kill For (Fourth Edition)

Frank Miller’s Sin City Volume 2: A Dame to Kill For (Fourth Edition)

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Stuck with nothing but a seedy gumshoe job, a tattered string of failed romances, and his demons, Dwight’s thinking of all the ways he’s screwed up. And what he’d give for one clear chance to wipe the slate clean, to dig his way out of the numb gray hell that is his life. He’d give anything to cut loose, to just feel the fire, one more time. But he can t let …
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Stuck with nothing but a seedy gumshoe job, a tattered string of failed romances, and his demons, Dwight's thinking of all the ways he's screwed up. And what he'd give for one clear chance to wipe the slate clean, to dig his way out of the numb gray hell that is his life. He'd give anything to cut loose, to just feel the fire, one more time. But he can t let himself lose control again, can't ever let the monster out... And then Ava calls. The fourth editions of Frank Miller's hit graphic novel series continue with Volume 2 A Dame to Kill For.