Flesh-Eater Courts Crypt Flayers

Flesh-Eater Courts Crypt Flayers

RRP: £37.00
Now £36.45
RRP £37.00
Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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Haunting the night as vague silhouettes framed against a moonless sky, Crypt Flayers search tirelessly for enemies of their glorious court. Once spotted, their prey is swept upwards, gleaming fangs sunk deeply into their necks, leaving nothing behind but a drop of spilled blood. Images are property of Games Workshop Group PLC
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Haunting the night as vague silhouettes framed against a moonless sky, Crypt Flayers search tirelessly for enemies of their glorious court. Once spotted, their prey is swept upwards, gleaming fangs sunk deeply into their necks, leaving nothing behind but a drop of spilled blood. Images are property of Games Workshop Group PLC