Enchanters: Base Game

Enchanters: Base Game

RRP: $34.99
Now $41.73(SAVE 11%)
RRP $46.99
Expected Release Date 01/12/2024
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Enchanters is all about saving a village from monsters. Shuffle a few Kingdom decks together to create the set of items, enchantments and threats! On your turn, journey to collect a card from these decks, or rest to recover. Stack up equipment and enchantments to become the best battlemage! In the fantasy card-drafting game Enchanters, you create an artifact and upgrade it each turn…
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Category Tags , , SKU ZBG-MYTMGENCH16 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Enchanters is all about saving a village from monsters. Shuffle a few Kingdom decks together to create the set of items, enchantments and threats! On your turn, journey to collect a card from these decks, or rest to recover. Stack up equipment and enchantments to become the best battlemage!

In the fantasy card-drafting game Enchanters, you create an artifact and upgrade it each turn. Every card you take retains some of its power. As you grow stronger, you can take on more powerful monsters and, if you plan well, even defeat a dragon.