Duty, Honour & Izzat (Hardback)

Duty, Honour & Izzat (Hardback)

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The story of how the Indian soldiers of the Punjab chose to ignore the insults to their honour and dignity, to help stop Great Britain losing World War One in 1914. Presented as a historical scrapbook with beautifully realised, photo-realistic artwork. Framing the history is a story about a teenage boy, in Surrey British Columbia, caught up in gangs. He rethinks his choices after hi…
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The story of how the Indian soldiers of the Punjab chose to ignore the insults to their honour and dignity, to help stop Great Britain losing World War One in 1914. Presented as a historical scrapbook with beautifully realised, photo-realistic artwork. Framing the history is a story about a teenage boy, in Surrey British Columbia, caught up in gangs. He rethinks his choices after his great grandfather comes to visit the family in Canada. His stories of their past, and seeing him reunited with a Canadian soldier his great grandfather saved during WW2, open up the possibility of a different path in life.