Dragon Ball Super Fusion World: Ultra Limit (FB04) - Booster Box

Dragon Ball Super Fusion World: Ultra Limit (FB04) – Booster Box

RRP: £107.69
Now £80.89(SAVE 24%)
RRP £107.69
Expected Release Date 15/11/2024
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Category Tags , , , , , , SKU ZBG-BCL2746343-BOX Availability Available to Pre-Order
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- New 5 leaders and lots of new characters!
- Addition of "Premium Reprint Cards". These are highly used versatile cards from [FB01-FB03] with new thematic illustrations!
- The first holographic illustration cards in Fusion World are included!
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Leader x5
Common x45
Uncommon x36
Rare x30
Super Rare x12
Secret Rare x2
Alt-Art Reprint x3