Digimon Card Game: Special Booster Pack Ver.2.0 (BT18-19)

Digimon Card Game: Special Booster Pack Ver.2.0 (BT18-19)

RRP: £4.49
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RRP £4.49
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The English ver. exclusive bonus get powered up even more!

The usual BOX TOPPER is being upgraded from 1 card/pack to 2 cards/pack, now including Tamer/Digimon cards. Additionally, a new bonus, the Lucky Pack will be included as a BOX TOPPER, featuring 22 varieties!

Digimon Card Game’s first ever signed card included!

First ever signed Digimon Card is in this set! Get a card shining with the signature of Kenji Watanabe, the Digimon character designer! It will be included at a low pull rate and a must see for collectors!

Includes many characters from the TV Anime “Digimon Frontier”!

Many Digimon and Tamers from TV Anime “Digimon Frontier” are included in this booster. Digimon like Dynasmon and LordKnightmon also get the power of ACE. In addition, the protagonist’s final form Susanoomon gets the power of ACE and can gather the power of all Hybrid Digimon!


The English ver. exclusive bonus get powered up even more!

The usual BOX TOPPER is being upgraded from 1 card/pack to 2 cards/pack, now including Tamer/Digimon cards. Additionally, a new bonus, the Lucky Pack will be included as a BOX TOPPER, featuring 22 varieties!

Digimon Card Game’s first ever signed card included!

First ever signed Digimon Card is in this set! Get a card shining with the signature of Kenji Watanabe, the Digimon character designer! It will be included at a low pull rate and a must see for collectors!

Includes many characters from the TV Anime “Digimon Frontier”!

Many Digimon and Tamers from TV Anime “Digimon Frontier” are included in this booster. Digimon like Dynasmon and LordKnightmon also get the power of ACE. In addition, the protagonist’s final form Susanoomon gets the power of ACE and can gather the power of all Hybrid Digimon!