Creatures of the Dying World

Creatures of the Dying World

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Expected Release Date 01/01/2025
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Creatures of the Dying World is a MÖRK BORG compatible bestiary, with lavishly illustrated monsters and an emphasis on folklore over combat stats. These monsters are easily convertible to any system, and designed to function as plot devices and writing prompts to spur your imagination. ISSUE 1:
Your grave-robbing tools clink together as your boots crunch softly in the frozen muck on the edge of Graven-Tosk. Suddenly, green eyes appear, winking on and off in the gloom. You unsling your pickaxe as you squint at the unfamiliar silhouettes. What the hell are those things? Not goblins! If only you had shelled out the silver for that book from the old man in the market at Galgenbeck, you might have known what you now face.