Classic Operation

Classic Operation

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Help Cavity Sam get back on his feet in this classic game of Operation. Grab the tweezers and keep your hand steady as you try to remove all of his funny ailments. Stay clear of the sides and avoid setting off the buzzer and light as you remove the frog from his throat – the doctor with the steadiest hand will be the winner! This classic family game comes with 13 plastic ailme…
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Category Tags , SKU ZHAS-B2176348 Availability 3+ in stock
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Do you think you have what it takes to get Cavity Sam back up on his feet? Grab the tweezers and prepare to remove all his crazy indispositions. Beware though! Don't touch the sides otherwise a loud buzzer and light will set off, and your turn is over! The surgeon with the steadiest hand will be the winner.


  • Cavity Sam
  • 13 plastic ailment parts
  • Tweezers
  • Light up buzzer

WARNING: Steady hand not included. (Neither are the batteries)

Players: 1+ players

Time: Avg. 10 mins

Age: 6+