Carbon City Zero

Carbon City Zero

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Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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Carbon City Zero is a collaborative climate action game in which players develop a sustainable city by greening transport, transforming industries, getting citizens on board and showing world leaders how it’s done. Each player starts with an identical deck, buying additional cards from a shared marketplace to create a more sustainable city. Balancing the need to generate income wit…
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Category Tag SKU ZHAC-9781399600224 Availability Backorder
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Carbon City Zero is a collaborative climate action game in which players develop a sustainable city by greening transport, transforming industries, getting citizens on board and showing world leaders how it’s done. Each player starts with an identical deck, buying additional cards from a shared marketplace to create a more sustainable city. Balancing the need to generate income with reducing carbon, you can follow numerous paths to victory, but collaboration is key. You’ll need to bring together governments, industries and the public. And if you can’t bring carbon levels to zero before it’s too late, everybody loses. The stakes couldn’t be higher.