Attention all Tarnished, you may have vanquished the foes that roam the lands between, but a new (Elden Ring) challenge awakens…
Stamford Games, known for the board game adaptations of Dark Souls and the Resident Evil series, are bringing the world of Elden Ring to life. Since its release back in February, Elden Ring has sold 16.6 million copies worldwide and has captured the hearts of the fans of FromSoftware.
Although little is known about the board game adaptation at this time, a few teasers lie between the gaps. Elden Ring: the board game will take the form of an exploration adventure game for 1-4 players, or Tarnished if you will. It will also feature well known locations, characters and enemies that can be found in game.
Varying from the combat style featured in the Resident Evil board games, Steamforged Games have decided to use an ‘intelligent dice free’ combat system that allows you to adjust your strategy going into a battle to ensure you’re as prepared as possible.
Put all this together and you get a game that pays homage to the original game and brings the communities favourite characters to life in the beautifully designed miniatures that Steamforged is known for creating.
Unfortunately, that’s all we know for now, but Steamforged have revealed that the Kickstarter launch date will be announced soon; so watch this space!
Get notified on Kickstarter for the release of the game - even though we may be waiting a little while...